Airmech Oman LLC - Muscat
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Company name
Airmech Oman LLC
Rusayl Industrial Estate, Seeb, Muscat, Oman
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Working hours
- Monday: 8am–5pm
- Tuesday: 8am–5pm
- Wednesday: 8am–5pm
- Thursday: 8am–5pm
- Friday: closed
- Saturday: closed
- Sunday: 8am–5pm
E-mail address
Company description
Formed in 1967 Airmech W.L.L. was a part of M/s. Mohammed Jalal & Sons Group and then established itself as a company, maintaining the highest standards in the industry, far in excess of Quality Assurance Standards ISO 9001,14001,45001.
Airmech is primarily a company of Mechanical, electrical and Steel Fabrication Engineers and Contractors, also well known in the Gulf for providing industrial project solution services to the oil, gas and aluminum industries and for undertaking MEP works, computer room M&E services, medical facility services, fire protection systems, process engineering installations, marine vessel repairs for the U.S. Navy, pumping stations, completed building asset maintenance, FM and a full range of applied protective coatings and scaffolding solutions for various
With an experienced management team, highly skilled workforce and operations in Bahrain and Oman. Airmech is a modern company built around the principles of delivering unique, value-added integrated project outcomes to clients and industry sectors. We achieve our principle by sharing risk with project stakeholders, focusing on quality and operating an incident and injury free safety environment among our workforce and those with whom we work on our project sites.
Our modern workshops fabricate a range of steel and aluminum work and regularly fabricate silos, vessels, tanks, material handling conveyors, steel structures, pipe racks, furnaces, aluminum busbars and a range of other fabricated items. Our Workshop facility has capabilities to produce GI ducting in rectangular and spiral as per BS and SMACNA Standards to cater for a variety of HVAC Applications.
Our services generically include planning, co-ordination, engineering, procurement, construction, inspection, testing, and commissioning.
We represent TRANE in Bahrain and are the Sole Distributors of TRANE Products for more than 20 Years.
Airmech is primarily a company of Mechanical, electrical and Steel Fabrication Engineers and Contractors, also well known in the Gulf for providing industrial project solution services to the oil, gas and aluminum industries and for undertaking MEP works, computer room M&E services, medical facility services, fire protection systems, process engineering installations, marine vessel repairs for the U.S. Navy, pumping stations, completed building asset maintenance, FM and a full range of applied protective coatings and scaffolding solutions for various
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applications in our industry.With an experienced management team, highly skilled workforce and operations in Bahrain and Oman. Airmech is a modern company built around the principles of delivering unique, value-added integrated project outcomes to clients and industry sectors. We achieve our principle by sharing risk with project stakeholders, focusing on quality and operating an incident and injury free safety environment among our workforce and those with whom we work on our project sites.
Our modern workshops fabricate a range of steel and aluminum work and regularly fabricate silos, vessels, tanks, material handling conveyors, steel structures, pipe racks, furnaces, aluminum busbars and a range of other fabricated items. Our Workshop facility has capabilities to produce GI ducting in rectangular and spiral as per BS and SMACNA Standards to cater for a variety of HVAC Applications.
Our services generically include planning, co-ordination, engineering, procurement, construction, inspection, testing, and commissioning.
We represent TRANE in Bahrain and are the Sole Distributors of TRANE Products for more than 20 Years.
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