Capital Store LLC - Ruwi, Oman
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Company name
Capital Store LLC
P O Box: 335, P. C: 112, Qurum, Ruwi, Oman
Contact number
+968 24561056
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: closed
- Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
E-mail address
Company description
Capital Store's history dates back to the 60's and began with the Late Mr. Jawad Abdul Rhida Sultan who established the Mustafa and Jawad Sultan Trading Company in 1972 which eventually went on to become the Jawad Sultan Group what we know of today.
Capital Store's founder - had a vision for his group of companies to be established through hard work, determination and most important of all, Passion. His passion towards luxury life style and to mark himself as a leader in this field resulted in Capital Store to become one of Oman's symbols of luxury
Today, Capital Store is considered Oman's leading luxury and lifestyle destination. From its humble beginnings, Capital Store has grown in leaps and bounds to become the premier icon in luxury encompassing the world's top luxury brands in
Capital Store's Vision is to create the best branded outlets as well as be recognized for providing amazing brands, fabulous ambiance with fast & efficient service .We aspire to be recognized as the most admired luxury retailers in Oman, and to be a positive contributor towards the community.
Capital Store's founder - had a vision for his group of companies to be established through hard work, determination and most important of all, Passion. His passion towards luxury life style and to mark himself as a leader in this field resulted in Capital Store to become one of Oman's symbols of luxury
Today, Capital Store is considered Oman's leading luxury and lifestyle destination. From its humble beginnings, Capital Store has grown in leaps and bounds to become the premier icon in luxury encompassing the world's top luxury brands in
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beauty, perfume, luxury gift and luxury homeware such as Dior, Guerlain,Clarins, Baccarat, Christofle and other leading luxury brands of the world.Capital Store's Vision is to create the best branded outlets as well as be recognized for providing amazing brands, fabulous ambiance with fast & efficient service .We aspire to be recognized as the most admired luxury retailers in Oman, and to be a positive contributor towards the community.
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