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Mr. RAJESH KUMARCompany manager
RAJESH KUMAREstablishment year
26-50Registration code
CR.NO.1114845Company description
International Gulf Line Enterprises is Oman’s latest company in Electricals, Civil, Roads, Bridges,Telecomunications, plastic & utilities sectors operating in Oman.Since July 2011, IGL has established itself as the “preferred Partner in Development” in oman with a turnover in exc ess of USD 0.25 million. The company endeavor towards excellence in quality, safety, performance, employee satisfaction and social responsibility has enabled it to be the most trusted and sought after Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Operation &Maintenance and project managenment company in the region,it has consistentely delivered projects, providing value-added engineering, costruction and service skills to coustomers foir whom the quality of execution, efficiency and reliability are critical. It
In the electrical and network communication Division: Grade C- Having all licensing authorities to execute and control all kind of powerstation work like 11KV and 33 KV over head lines and substation works. IGL, having skilled professional Team to execute all challenging tasks.
In the Oil & gas sector, the company has been growing steadily for upcoming large scale projects for petroleum Development Oman. Some projects of note are the Off-Plot Delivery contact (ODC), Gas plant &associated facilities, the LNG upstream central processing unit and the cluster EPC phases 2A & 2B facilities. In addition, the company is executing several lump-sum EPC and non EPC contracts and PDO’s developing contractor in terms of the value of jobs and resources deployed.
More than 10buildings including Residential and commercial have been completed since 2006.In civil and utilities sectors, the forthcoming projects include major hospitals,palaces,stadiums, power and water distribution and sewage collection & conveyance projects. The marine projects expected in forthcoming years include ports,harbors,jetties,seawalls and breakwaters like: The Kasbah harbor project. Some major projects may hit in our company future plan.
In the roads and bridges sector,IGL is known for some of the best expectations projects in the region. Road work includes all earthwork to finishing level upto light high mas poles and interlock, Rip Rap and general civil works.Promotors having dynamic experience in road works as they have given best services in multinational companies in GCC like Galfar, Carillion, Alawi,J&P, consolidated and commercial contracting company ,etc.
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has the experience and expertise to undertake construction projects of scale and technical complexity. ELECTRICALIn the electrical and network communication Division: Grade C- Having all licensing authorities to execute and control all kind of powerstation work like 11KV and 33 KV over head lines and substation works. IGL, having skilled professional Team to execute all challenging tasks.
In the Oil & gas sector, the company has been growing steadily for upcoming large scale projects for petroleum Development Oman. Some projects of note are the Off-Plot Delivery contact (ODC), Gas plant &associated facilities, the LNG upstream central processing unit and the cluster EPC phases 2A & 2B facilities. In addition, the company is executing several lump-sum EPC and non EPC contracts and PDO’s developing contractor in terms of the value of jobs and resources deployed.
More than 10buildings including Residential and commercial have been completed since 2006.In civil and utilities sectors, the forthcoming projects include major hospitals,palaces,stadiums, power and water distribution and sewage collection & conveyance projects. The marine projects expected in forthcoming years include ports,harbors,jetties,seawalls and breakwaters like: The Kasbah harbor project. Some major projects may hit in our company future plan.
In the roads and bridges sector,IGL is known for some of the best expectations projects in the region. Road work includes all earthwork to finishing level upto light high mas poles and interlock, Rip Rap and general civil works.Promotors having dynamic experience in road works as they have given best services in multinational companies in GCC like Galfar, Carillion, Alawi,J&P, consolidated and commercial contracting company ,etc.
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