K.M. Trading Co & Partners LLC - Muscat, Oman

K.M. Trading Co & Partners LLC
  • Verified
Company name
K.M. Trading Co & Partners LLC
HGRW+MGP, 3713 Way, Muscat, Oman
Contact number
+968 24771555
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 8am–12am
  • Tuesday: 8am–12am
  • Wednesday: 8am–12am
  • Thursday: 8am–12am
  • Friday: 8am–12am
  • Saturday: 8am–12am
  • Sunday: 8am–12am
E-mail address
Company description
K.M.TRADING CO.LLC aspire to empower all customers who walk through our doors with a distinct advantage in leading their chosen lifestyle with pride and satisfaction, irrespective of their social and economical status. This apart, we seek to become a dependable and reassuring companion who deeply perceives, and cumulatively fulfils their lives’ needs, desires and dreams.

We are committed to offer our customers the most extensive range of choices, the finest quality and unmatched value, complimented by world-class customer service standards through an enjoyable and rewarding shopping experience.

Our Honorable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Mohammed Korath says "a strong spirit of adventure inspired me to various endeavours. In 1973 the entrepreneur in me was tempted to experiment  
Show more with multiple lines of business, which led to focused effort in the retail sector. Back then the concept of a department store was not very popular, especially among the middle and lower strata of the society. Yet, K. M. Trading pioneered its way to success by virtue of delivering everything under one roof at affordable prices and offering impeccable customer services.

K.M .Trading Group with a strong background of business experience over years in the Middle East itself, under the guidance of esteemed chairman Mr. Mohammad Korath and other dedicated professionals, has grown vigorously. Combining the wisdom of our chairman and experienced senior managers along with zeal of the younger generation, our staff members believe as their own company and strive hard to achieve the highest standard to serve our customers to their satisfaction.Our staff members, who hail from various parts of the world, submerge into a single work culture at K.M.Trading.

Quality, value and customer service has helped K.M. Trading Group attain customer satisfaction. This has helped us climb the ladder of success. Our core values, to which we have adhered, have helped us attain sustainable growth over the years, by helping overcome market challenges.

Our Marketing division is fully geared to plan and execute regular promotions and special offers. Thus, ensuring the best deals are enjoyed by our customers. We offer our customers with a wide range of lifestyle products, which are offered in our department stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets.

Our Supermarket division provides fresh dairy products, fruits & vegetables, butchery, fish, bakery counters along with other confectionary and grocery products. Our department stores offer a wide range of products which include apparels, fashion, perfumes, toys, luggage, footwear, novelties, cosmetics, household products, watches, cameras, mobile phones and electronic items.

Customers looking for variety in their shopping will experience it at our stores. K.M. Trading will be our customers’ companion in their life’s special moments and occasions, by providing quality products. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring the highest levels of customer service.
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